Services: Construction Support Services
Location: Bronx, NY
Owner: New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYCDPR)
Construction Cost: $12M
Ferry Point Site, rip-rap installation, and site grading along the East River
This project converted 19.5 acres of undeveloped parkland in the Bronx’s Ferry Point Park into an ecologically responsible park with spectacular views. Prior to construction, the entire area was capped in compliance with requirements established by the Department of Environmental Conservation. Construction included plantings to create an open maritime grassland, excavation and earthmoving to create a 1.62-acre tidal salt marsh, the creation of a multi-use path along the East River, and the installation of a parking area for easier community access.
EnTech, as the prime consultant, provided Construction Management and Resident Engineering Inspection Services. EnTech’s team included a Resident Engineer, Project Manager, and Environmental Monitor/Assistant. The team first provided pre-construction review and cost estimating. During construction, EnTech’s team oversaw daily construction activity and coordinated between the client and contractor to ensure that construction work continued on schedule. As the area had been capped, close environmental monitoring was required to ensure the safety of park visitors. Environmental tasks included clean borrow soil testing, contaminated soil excavation and handling, waste characterization, and nonhazardous and hazardous waste transport and disposal.