Services: Resident Engineering Inspection (REI)
Location: Queens, NY
Owner: New York City Department of Design and Construction (NYCDDC)
Construction Cost: $40M
From left to right: Carlos Ortiz (Director of Safety, NYCDDC), Alla Ayzeshtat (Assistant Commissioner, NYCDDC), Jamie Torres-Springer (Commissioner, NYCDDC), Keivan Ghobadi, Clement Pikner, Joe Monte (Superintendent, Hylcyon Construction Co.), Steve Lala (Safety Manager, Hylcyon Construction Co.), and Ibraheem Al-Jowhar.
In a surprise visit, the EnTech & LIRIANO JV. REI team had the honor of presenting project QED1023B - REI Services for the Replacement of Trunk & Distribution Water Mains in Cypress Avenue - to New York City Department of Design and Construction (NYCDDC) Commissioner Jamie Torres-Springer, who was accompanied by NYCDDC Assistant Commissioner Alla Ayzenshtat and Director of Safety Carlos Ortiz.
This project, located in a residential and commercial neighborhood of southeastern Queens, upgrades the trunk and distribution water mains and storm and sanitary sewers along Cypress Avenue between Willoughby Avenue and Himrod Street according to the NYCDEP distribution master plan. It aims to alleviate persistent flooding and improve water quality and fire protection capabilities in the area through the replacement of old, unlined cast iron water mains.
The Liriano/EnTech JV is providing services required for the inspection, management, coordination, and administration of the project. Mr. Torres-Springer was impressed by the quality of service provided by the REI team and commended the team for the safety of the project site. “I’m impressed by the way you are keeping the site clean and organized,” he said. “That shows you are respecting the people who live in this neighborhood.”
Thank you to the REI team of Mehdi Asharian, Cristan Liriano, Keivan Ghobadi,MehrasaArian,ClementPikner,IbraheemAlJowhar,MuhammadAlam,andJorgeRodriguezfortheirdedicationandeffortsforthisproject.