NYCDOT | Harlem River Drive Ramp to George Washington Bridge Rehabilitation | New York, NY | EnTech completed a study of potential traffic impacts due to planned construction activities.
EnTech’s traffic engineering team provides comprehensive consulting services that balance the needs of multiple categories of roadway users—including cars, bicycles, transit vehicles, and pedestrians. In recent years, the team has made significant contributions to major projects in and around the New York region, including the redevelopment of JFK and LaGuardia airports, the implementation of cashless tolling at the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, and the rehabilitation of numerous roadway bridges.
“EnTech’s traffic group has been a reliable and dependable traffic engineering team for major clients in the region,” says traffic department manager Cheng Xu, PE, PTOE. “In particular, we’re proud to have been extensively involved in the ongoing redevelopment of JFK Airport, for which we led the landside traffic design during the master planning effort.”
Today, we’re taking a look at some of the wide-ranging traffic engineering services EnTech’s team provides:
Corridor Planning
EnTech has extensive experience in the development of corridors for roadway users. Engineers analyze existing and future traffic demands and develop recommendations for improvements to accommodate all modes of traffic.
Traffic Simulation Models and Traffic Impact Studies
EnTech’s traffic engineers develop traffic simulation models, using software such as Synchro/SimTraffic, VISSIM, and Aimsun. The team’s expertise includes study network identification, traffic database development, developing and calibrating base models, evaluating construction alternatives, and developing and analyzing future build models. EnTech additionally prepares and reviews traffic impact studies, taking developer needs into consideration.
Traffic Data Collection
Our team is experienced in managing data collection for both small and large projects. We work with traffic data collection contractors, and understand the different types of count technology available. We can recommend the correct counts for a client’s particular needs, and quickly process traffic data.
Work Zone Traffic Control
EnTech’s traffic engineers have extensive experience in the development of construction staging and work zone traffic control (WZTC) plans, and the team is well-versed in the design standards of various public agencies.
Airport Landside Operations
EnTech has profound expertise in the design and operation of airport roadway networks, including understanding the complex needs of airport users and operators. We analyze airport roadway and frontage operations and issue recommendations for improvements. We have extensive experience in the design of wayfinding signage and pavement markings for airport facilities, including
NYCDPR | Candela Structures Restoration and Flushing Bay Promenade Circulation Improvements | Queens, NY | EnTech’s traffic team provided traffic analysis, field observation, development of intersection improvement plans, and a traffic signal warrant analysis.
Traffic Signal Design
EnTech provides detailed traffic signal design services in line with MUTCD requirements, both for new traffic signals and traffic signal modifications, including connections to existing communications systems.
Roadway Signing, Pavement Marking, and Lighting
EnTech’s team completes roadway signing and pavement marking designs following MUTCD standards, and develops roadway lighting design following the FHWA Lighting Handbook.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Our team understands the different devices used in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and develops recommendations on their deployment, as well as for improvements to existing systems.
NYCDDC | Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway, Commercial Street Segment | Brooklyn, NY